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Online Survey

Please assist the Project Team by answering the following questions.

  1. What are the top three transportation issues in the Waldorf area
    (choose three)
    A. Too much traffic on US 301
    B. Traffic safety
    C. Delays at signalized intersections
    D. Difficulty crossing US 301 and/or making left turns
    E. Difficulty accessing US 301 businesses
    F. Speeding
    G. Lack of a roadway "network"
    H. Insufficient transit service
    I. Lack of bicycle and pedestrian access
    J. Other:
  2. When is the most difficult time to travel in Waldorf?
    (choose one)
    A. Morning rush hour B. Evening rush hour C. Weekends
    D. All of the above
  3. Which location along US 301 has the worst traffic problems?
    (choose one)
    A. MD 228/MD 5 intersection
    B. Acton Lane intersection
    C. Mattawoman-Beantown Road intersection
    D. US 301/MD 5 Split at TB
    E. Other:
  4. What improvement do you think would help the most?
    (choose one)
    A. Improve existing US 301 and local roadways
    B. Build a bypass around Waldorf
    C. Other:
  5. What types of "impacts" are you most concerned about?
    (Choose one)
    A. Impacts to homes and businesses
    B. Impacts to the natural environment
    C. Impacts during construction
    D. Other:
  6. Do you have any comments about the project Purpose and Need,
    schedule, or coordination plan?
  7. What else should the Project Team know?

*Bold Text denotes required field





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